NextGen Custom Railing™ Kit, formerly known as Kwik Kit™, is OSHA compliant railing that is boxed and shipped as 12' Straight Kits, 12' Corner Kits or 6' Extension Kits. Kits can be joined to form a continuous railing. 1.09" OD pipe and Kee Klamp® fittings are used to assemble the railing. The rails are painted safety yellow and all fittings are galvanized. Toe plates and Ground Sockets are also available.

Kee Self-Closing Gate Stand-alone - Galvanized - BOL
Kee® Self-Closing Safety Gate
NextGen Custom Railing Kick Plate
NextGen Custom Railing™ Kick Plate
Galvanized Fitting Type 66 - Ground Socket
Type 66 - Ground Socket