Nitto Avecia - Milford, MA

May 23, 2024

Case Study: Nitto Avecia Biotech – April 2024

Location: Millford, MA

Problem Statement: Nitto Denko Avecia is a private biotechnology company focused on the development and manufacture of novel medicines using biotechnology techniques. They have recently built a new manufacturing plant in Massachusetts for which they required rooftop safety railing as required by OSHA standards 1910.28 and 1910.29.

Christopher Simpson reached out to Safety Rail Source® in January of 2024 to discuss their safety needs. They estimated a need for 680 linear feet of safety railing but requested that a representative of Safety Rail Source® visit their building to make a professional assessment.

Problem Resolution: Chad Vanning of Safety Rail Source® was able to walk the roof of the new building with the Facilities Manager, Alex DeMorais, in February of 2024. The final assessment was that 874 linear feet of NextGen 3000™ Universal Guardrail were needed for a complete fall protection solution. The customer also wanted some railing they had left over from an installation on another building, which was not a problem. Chad Vanning coordinated with a local roofing contractor to perform the installation in April of 2024. With input from the Nitto EHS Specialist and the Director of Facilities Engineering, the installation of all the OSHA Compliant railing was completed in less than a week.

About Us: Since 1999 we’ve been manufacturing state of the art, OSHA Compliant safety products including railings, skylight screens, hatch railings and ladder safety devices. All products are made in the USA. We offer a Turn-Key Service which includes a site visit, safety assessment, solution design, product delivery and installation.

Contact Us: Call our experts at (877) 723-3766 today to discuss your specific needs. We’ll review and assess your safety concerns, design a customized solution for your facility and determine if our Turn-Key Service is right for you.